Athena: a syntax to write dialog


Athena is a high level scripting language designed to assist users in writing dialogs.

This language is part of XBrain VCP platform and is now included in the platform.

We try to keep the Athena language as simple as possible, while enhancing its flexibility and performance.

With Athena you can :

  • Define user inputs (aka scenarios)
    • Utilize the keywords matching system
    • Use the classifier system
    • Turn on scenarios with conditions
    • Define required parameters
  • Define responses
    • Randomly pick one of the responses you defined
    • Execute code (VCP Only)
    • Execute rest request (All platform)
    • Update the response based on execution results

Getting started

This applies to VCP and platforms, and assumes that you have created an athena/knowledge file.

By adding this to your file, your agent will be able to reply to a ‘hello’ :

    - Hello, i'm your devoted agent.

WARNING : Athena syntax is quite rigorous regarding the indentation, never replace a tabulation by 1 or more spaces.

You are now ready to test your agent. Say Hello.

Line by line :

  1. ? HELLO is a pattern, it is the entry point of a scenario, and use the keyword matching system.
  2. - Hello, i'm your devoted agent. is a template, the response of this scenario

Now let’s go to the very beginning of the documenation : scenarios


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