Use the right browsers and web standards

To ensure that xBot users and users of the satisfaction.AI portal have the best possible experience, it is important to adhere to the following prerequisites:

A) the xBot

The my.satisfaction.AI xBot is based on a React modular architecture and NodeJS and supports all web standards and web format.

The conversational agent will be able to integrate all types of illustrations (images, urls, videos …) within the dialogue box of my.satisfaction.AI portal or via an external connector in direct interaction with your website insofar as it allows access in deep-links. Via an external connector, please refer to the requirements and the documentation of the chosen connector.

B) the my.satisfaction.AI portal

The portal works with the following browsers:

1 - Browsers

Important : Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers are frequently updated. We support the official “enterprise / large organization” version of these browsers. We strive to test and be compatible with the latest version.

Firefox Windows & MacOS

The latest public release and the official “enterprise / large organization” version ESR (Extended Support Release):

Chrome Windows & MacOS

The latest public version and the latest version of the official “enterprise / large organization” called for Chrome business:

Safari MacOS

Lastest version

Internet Explorer

Version 11 up to date (until the end of the support of Windows 7) and latest Edge (Via Windows up to date)

2 - Other prerequisites


In order to have an optimal experience of the portal, the following technical elements must be authorized:

  • Cookies

  • Javascript

  • The domain names, and must be in a “white list” (whitelist) so that our creation / account invitation emails are not blocked / or routed in the spam folders of your my.satisfaction.AI portal users

  • Other :

    • The portal is optimized for a minimum resolution of 1280 px

    • We do not fully support mobile browsers. If you use the web application from one of your browsers installed on your mobile phone (iOs, Android, Windows Phone), the use of the my.satisfaction.AI portal can then be degraded / limited

How do I know if I meet these prerequisites?

To easily find the version of your browser, if the cookies or Javascript are enabled, etc … click on this page to simply display this information.

Documented/reviewed 27/07/2017 7:12:55 AM