Release Note - Changes between version 5.0 and 5.1

Here are the new features and evolutions for this version 5.1!

  • Display of the information of your xBot running in Production and now also of your xBot in Development version (= pre-production environment)

  • Improvement of the transcripts page with access to technical information via a “Show all events” button at the bottom of all transcript pages

  • Improvement of our conversation data storage process with the following benefits :

    • conversations are now available in real time, as soon as the phone call or the chat session is finished (previously, the data was available at day+1),

    • the batch limit has been extended to 100 (formerly limited to 10 conversations per batch),

    • easier tracking of the user journey thanks to a new formatting of the session data.

Many other hidden improvements have been implemented in order to offer you new reporting features in the near future.

Documented/Reviewed 17/07/2021