Because a template can contain random text, addins, parameters and calllabels, you need to understand how athena will render the template.

Global Rendering

    - Hello @user.firstname(), {WHAT_DO_YOU_WANT}

    - What do you want to do @time.time_of_day() ?
        ? NOTHING
            - OK, i'll be there for you at anytime.

Successive outputs :

    • Hello @user.firstname(), {WHAT_DO_YOU_WANT} (nothing changes, first athena generates the call label)
    • What do you want to do today ? (rendering addin first)
  1. Hello @user.firstname(), What do you want to do today ?
  2. Hello John, What do you want to do today ?


  1. An addin cannot be a call label parameter
    • {YOUR_NAME("@user.firstname()")} is invalid