My profile page

In the Profile page of your satisfaction.AI account, you can edit your firstname and lastname, company name and job title.

You can also add if you wish:

  • a profile picture (if not, your initials will be displayed)
  • a nickname



  • Theres is no “save” button, all fields can be edited instantly
  • The email address is a required fixed field and can not be edited. If you want to change your email address please click on the contact us link displayed when you rollover this field: ContactUs4EmailProfile.png

Your picture

To upload a photo you can below the avatar click on the edit button and then on the “upload from my computer” link/button.

You can upload from your computer only a picture:

  • in PNG or JPG format,
  • with a minimum size of 200x200 pixels,
  • with a maximum size of 1MB.


Your paswword

To edit your password, please click on the ChangePasswordButton.PNG button in order to access this window:


For your new password, make sure you to respect the following requirement as a minimum:

  • 8 characters
  • 1 uppercase letter
  • 1 lowercase letter
  • 1 number

Documented/reviewed 06/06/2018 7:12:55 AM