The User roles

They are 4 possible roles: Admin, Architect, Reader and Agent.

Admin role

The Admin role can access the following features and sections of the my.satisfaction.AI portal :

  • Dashboard
  • Loop
  • Transcripts
  • User settings
  • Bot settings

Architect role

The Architect role can access the:

  • Dashboard
  • Loop with limited access: only to oversee the live conversations
  • Transcripts
  • Bot settings

Reader role

The Reader role can access the:

  • Dashboard
  • Loop with limited access
  • Transcripts
  • Bot settings

Agent role

The Agent role can access the Loop feature. This tool allows you to monitor and control all live conversations going on with your xBot. If needed, Agents can take over conversations and accept conversations that are transferred automatically by your xBot or requested by your end-user.

Documented/reviewed 01/09/2020