Release Note - Changes between version 2.0 and 2.1


  • We have continued to work on our Classification Helper tool. In the new tab called “Low Match”, you can now spot sentences that have a low match rate with the associated intent and perform adjustments if necessary,

  • We have listened to your feedback! The transcripts now display which Intent has been elected for each sentence,

  • Also, you can export all the content of the transcripts for your own custom analysis


  • You can now use the Live Session Handler* for your Testing xBot or your Production xBot. Don’t hesitate to try this feature out and see how you can use it in your use cases!

  • All the reporting pages UIs have been refreshed.


  • Fixed: User clicks on buttons in chatbox are not counted in the reporting > messages pages

_ * Live Session Handler : Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you wish to use this new feature_

Documented/Reviewed 03/04/2018 7:12:55 AM