The Transcript popup

Once you click on a transcript line of the list, you can access the content and detailed metrics of the conversation.



On the left side you can see the end-user messages and the responses of your xBot or your human agent.

There is a lot of useful information for each sentence that will allow you to improve the relevancy of the xBot’s future answers : next to each end-user message is displayed the intent or the keyword detected.

Also, you can easily navigate from one transcript to another by using the 2 arrows conversation_arrows.png

The “Show all events” button

By clicking on the showallevents.gif button, you can access additional technical information

A click on the End user sentence unfolds additional custom data and User/xBot events information such as:

  • custom data & message: information logged here depends on the specifications of the external connector (Facebook Messenger, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc…) used to host the conversation channel and how integration has been set

  • xbrain-dialog-atmosphere: score, polarity, offensive, emojis, dialogScore, etc … information

  • Athena log information: Classifier and debug information

Vertical timeline

To navigate easily within the conversation, a vertical timeline is available.



A click on the Target pictogram target_picto.png on top of the vertical timeline displays the list of all the topics / intents detected by your xBot during the conversation.

Color points

Each point corresponds to one message of the end-user.

  • The color corresponds to the sentiment detected for the corresponding message:
    • red negative_dot.png for negative
    • orange neutral_negative_dot.png for neutral negative
    • blue neutral_positive_dot.png for neutral positive
    • green positive_dot.png for positive
  • Hover above one of the color points, the intent and/or keyword detected is displayed
  • Click on one of the color points, you are redirected to the moment of the conversation when the interaction occurred


For each conversation you can find on the right 2 tabs displaying the following metrics :


General metrics

  • Duration
  • Total messages
  • Received messages, ie messages from the end-user
  • Replies by bot
  • Replies by human agent

Sentiments metrics

  • The overall feeling of the conversation and the percentage associated with it,
  • The number of messages detected during the conversation for the four possible sentiments:
    • positive_dot.png Positive
    • neutral_positive_dot.png Neutral - Positive
    • neutral_negative_dot.png Neutral - Negative
    • negative_dot.png Negative

The sentiment analysis is performed on the information exchanged between the end user and the xBot. For more information on sentiment, please consult this article.

Documented/reviewed 15/07/2021